pumla does not only allow for systematic re-use of architecture elements modeled with PlantUML, it also enables variant management.

To do so, pumla allows you to apply „tag/value“ pairs to your model elements. Along with the pumla-mechanisms to create filters for PlantUML diagrams that consider these tags or tag/value pairs, you can easily create 100% model diagrams out of a 150% model repository. With pumla you can also apply tag/value pairs to relations and connections (the „arrows“). That way also variance that exists only on different ways of connectivity between the same existing elements can be handled.

The tag/value mechanism could also be used to connect your pumla architecture model repository to advanced variant management systems like e.g. pure::variants by pure-systems.

To see the different possibilities of using the tag/value mechanisms take a look at the Examples page of the pumla GitHub repository and check out examples E#0, E#12, E#14 and E#15.2:


